Produkt zum Begriff Gadd-Terry-How-to:
Brooks, David: How to Know a Person
How to Know a Person , NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • A practical, heartfelt guide to the art of truly knowing another person in order to foster deeper connections at home, at work, and throughout our lives—from the author of The Road to Character and The Second Mountain “More than a guide to better conversations, it’s a blueprint for a more connected and humane way of living. It’s a must-read for anyone looking to deepen their relationships and broaden their perspectives.”—Bill Gates, GatesNotes (Summer Reading Pick) As David Brooks observes, “There is one skill that lies at the heart of any healthy person, family, school, community organization, or society: the ability to see someone else deeply and make them feel seen—to accurately know another person, to let them feel valued, heard, and understood.” And yet we humans don’t do this well. All around us are people who feel invisible, unseen, misunderstood. In How to Know a Person, Brooks sets out to help us do better, posing questions that are essential for all of us: If you want to know a person, what kind of attention should you cast on them? What kind of conversations should you have? What parts of a person’s story should you pay attention to? Driven by his trademark sense of curiosity and his determination to grow as a person, Brooks draws from the fields of psychology and neuroscience and from the worlds of theater, philosophy, history, and education to present a welcoming, hopeful, integrated approach to human connection. How to Know a Person helps readers become more understanding and considerate toward others, and to find the joy that comes from being seen. Along the way it offers a possible remedy for a society that is riven by fragmentation, hostility, and misperception. The act of seeing another person, Brooks argues, is profoundly creative: How can we look somebody in the eye and see something large in them, and in turn, see something larger in ourselves? How to Know a Person is for anyone searching for connection, and yearning to be understood. , >
Preis: 23.61 € | Versand*: 0 € -
How to Lead
This book is your essential guide to the theory and practice of leadership. Whatever your level in an organisation, this is your practical handbook for getting to the top and staying there. Learn how to:Get promoted, and survive promotionInfluence and persuade someone, particularly when they're not your direct reportHandle a crisis and survive adversityStep up and know when to step back in moments of risk, opportunity and uncertainty
Preis: 17.11 € | Versand*: 0 € -
How to Manage
How to Manage is the definitive how-to of management. Based on years of management practice in some of the world's leading organisations, it cuts through the theory to show you how to develop the skills, behaviours, political abilities and emotions to thrive as a manager.
Preis: 17.11 € | Versand*: 0 € -
How to Coach
Great managers do more than manage their teams. They coach their teams to top performance. They help everyone get better at what they do, improving productivity, boosting motivation and sharing knowledge and expertise. How to Coach is the essential book for all managers and leaders. It shows you how you can raise both your own performance and that of your team through well-structured, effective coaching that delivers impressive results. In How to Coach: Coaching Yourself and Your Team to Success you’ll discover how to: Get the best from your team by making them feel valued, motivated and focussed on success Get the best from yourself by always playing to your strengths Solve the day-to-day problems that all managers face Develop successful coaching discussions for yourself and your team Avoid the typical traps of traditional coaching Deal with other people, politics and your peers
Preis: 19.25 € | Versand*: 0 €
Schauspielerin How to Sell Drugs
Anna Lena KlenkeLena Urzendow...Luna Baptiste S...Leonie WesselowMehr Ergebnisse
How to do Naruto Uzumaki's makeup?
To achieve Naruto Uzumaki's makeup look, start by applying a light foundation or concealer to even out your skin tone. Use a brow pencil or eyeshadow to fill in your eyebrows with a slightly thicker and more angular shape. Apply a light brown or orange eyeshadow to your eyelids and blend it outwards. Finish the look with a black eyeliner to create a thin line on your upper lash line and a small wing at the outer corner of your eyes.
How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast Besetzung)
Anna Lena KlenkeMaximilian MundtDamian HardungLena Urzendow...Mehr Ergebnisse
Was bedeutet "How to Reason Pearson" auf Deutsch?
"How to Reason Pearson" ist kein korrekter englischer Satz und hat daher keine direkte Übersetzung ins Deutsche. Es könnte sich um einen fehlerhaften Satz handeln oder um eine spezifische Phrase, die aus dem Kontext heraus verstanden werden müsste.
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A practical collection of the most important Python techniques. For beginning to intermediate Python programmers. Python How-To by Yong Cui, walks you through the most important coding techniques in Python. Whether you are doing data science, building web applications, or writing admin scripts, you will find answers to your how-to questions in this book. Author Yong Cui's clear and practical writing is perfect for beginners and veterans alike, with insightful code snippets, interesting graphics, and challenging exercises.Python How-To includes over 60 detailed answers to questions like:How do I join and split strings?How do I access dictionary keys, values, and items?How do I set and use the return value in function calls?How do I process JSON data?How do I create lazy attributes to improve performance?How do I change variables in a different namespace?... and much moreAlong the way, you will also learn how to take advantage of Python's versatile tools and libraries.About the technologyNo matter where you are on your Python journey, you will run into situations where you ask yourself: How do I do that?This book provides concrete answers to the most common questions in areas such as manipulating text, working with collections, managing objects and functions, file management, etc.
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Wann geht How to Sell Drugs Online weiter?
"Wann geht How to Sell Drugs Online weiter?" ist eine Frage, die viele Fans der Serie beschäftigt. Die dritte Staffel wurde bereits angekündigt, aber ein genaues Veröffentlichungsdatum steht noch nicht fest. Es wird spekuliert, dass die neuen Folgen möglicherweise im Jahr 2022 erscheinen könnten. Die Fans sind gespannt darauf, wie es mit Moritz, Lenny und den anderen Charakteren weitergeht. Es bleibt abzuwarten, wann genau die Fortsetzung der beliebten Serie auf Netflix verfügbar sein wird.
Was ist ein Know-how-Transfer?
Ein Know-how-Transfer bezeichnet den Austausch von Wissen, Fähigkeiten und Erfahrungen zwischen Personen, Organisationen oder Ländern. Dabei geht es darum, Expertise und Know-how von einer Quelle auf eine andere zu übertragen, um den Wissenstransfer zu fördern und Innovationen zu ermöglichen. Dies kann beispielsweise durch Schulungen, Mentoring oder den Austausch von Mitarbeitern erfolgen.
Welche Serien ähneln "How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast)"?
Serien, die "How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast)" ähneln, könnten "Breaking Bad" sein, da sie beide das Thema Drogenhandel behandeln. Eine andere ähnliche Serie könnte "Narcos" sein, da sie auch den Drogenhandel und die damit verbundenen Konflikte thematisiert. Eine weitere Serie, die Ähnlichkeiten aufweisen könnte, ist "Weeds", da sie sich ebenfalls mit dem illegalen Drogenhandel beschäftigt, jedoch mit einem humorvolleren Ansatz.
Wann kommt die nächste Staffel How to get away?
Die genaue Veröffentlichungsdatum der nächsten Staffel von "How to Get Away with Murder" wurde noch nicht offiziell angekündigt. Normalerweise werden neue Staffeln von Serien wie dieser im Herbst veröffentlicht, aber aufgrund von Produktionsverzögerungen durch die COVID-19-Pandemie könnte es zu Verzögerungen kommen. Es ist ratsam, die offiziellen Kanäle der Serie wie die Website oder die Social-Media-Konten zu verfolgen, um über Updates informiert zu bleiben. Fans können auch auf Ankündigungen von Streaming-Plattformen wie Netflix oder ABC warten, um mehr Informationen über den Starttermin zu erhalten.
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